Lleida capital city

Despite its many charms and attractions, Lleida (el Segrià – Spain) remains a relatively unknown city. Visitors interested in history and art are sure to find an interesting variety of buildings that show how different cultures have left their mark on the city. These include Roman and Medieval ruins and much more recent constructions, such as La PaeriaEl Palau de la Diputació. Other interesting structures include numerous Catalan Modernist (Art Nouveau) buildingsthe new Enric Granados Municipal Auditorium and the old cathedral (known locally as La Seu Vella). La Seu Vella is an exceptional Romanesque-Gothic style building that towers over the city from its position on top of the hill of the same name and the Templar Castle of Gardeny

There are also a number of interesting parks: La Mitjana an area of parkland running along the banks of the river Segre, which offers various leisure facilities, the romantic Camps Elisis park... The irrigated area around the city also offers pleasant rural settings that are simply ideal for bicycle rides. 

Those who like to have fun and enjoy a good time will not be disappointed in Lleida, as this is a lively city both during the day and at night and one that offers an interesting range of traditional festivals and celebrations. Important local events include: Les Festes de Maig,or May festival; the Moros i Cristians, festival, in which battles between Moors and Christians are re-enacted; the Fira de Titelles, a puppet festival; the one and only Aplec del Caragol, which attracts thousands of local people and visitors who share an interest in eating snails and partying; and the Festes de Tardor, or Autumn Festival, which has a more cultural focus. Neither should we forget a number of other important festivities, including Carnival, Easter and La Processió dels Fanalets de Sant Jaume (a lantern procession).

It is impossible to complete this summary without mentioning the Monumental Route, the many museums in the city: the Jaume Morera Art Museum and Diocese and Local District Museum of Lleida. The amount of drama and cinema on offer of the city is quite remarkable, with the Mostra de Cinema Llatinoamericà de Lleida, which is usually held in January, Lleida puppet Theatre Festival, Conference and Congress of Lleida - La Llotja providing a good example of what is available. 

On the subject of reasons for visiting Lleida (el Segrià – Spain), visitors are also reminded of the city’s many interesting and attractive shops.


The Parc Municipal de la Mitjana

Contact information:



The Parc Municipal de la Mitjana

Major, 31 bis - Lleida
25007, Lleida
Web: www.turismedelleida.cat
Email: infoturisme@paeria.es
902 250 050




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  • The Parc Municipal de la Mitjana (El Segrià - Spain) is a natural space that can be found at the entrance to the city of Lleida (Spain) which helps to conserve ecosystems that are representative of riverside woodlands in Mediterranean lowlands. Since 1992, the Ajuntament de Lleida (Lleida City Council) has administered and organised the park with the aim of combining the public use of this natural space with the conservation of its ecological treasures.

    The 90-hectare surface area has made it possible to structure this space by means of a series of sign-posted paths and facilities for observing and enjoying nature. The organisation of educational activities associated with the natural environment and ecological objectives has also helped to make the Parc de la Mitjana an emblematic reference point for the local population.

    The Parc de la Mitjana is equipped with elements designed to make most of its spaces and paths accessible for all types of visitors, regardless of possible disabilities:
    • Access to the picnic tables for people in wheel chairs and special sign-posting for the blind and people with impaired sight.
    • Reduced slopes in order to facilitate access for people in wheel chairs; the construction of a kerb on the right-hand side of the path to guide people with impaired sight who use walking sticks; the prolongation of the platforms of the bridges and walk ways over the river and their secondary extensions in order to eliminate steps and minimise slopes that otherwise complicate wheelchair access.
    • General sign-posting within the park: panels indicating accessible routes and the main points of interest along each path (river, wood, interpretation centre, observation points, etc.) and also signs with explanations in relief and in braille.
    • Bird-watching posts specially adapted to help people in wheel chairs observe the local wildlife.