Manual bell ringing



Manual bell ringing, new intangible heritage of humanity (2022)

In the Middle Ages, the first bells were installed in the towers of churches and the profession of bell ringer was born. He became the person in charge of communication, a key task in villages. In many places, the ringing of bells has been automated, and hence the importance of Unesco recognising manual bell ringing in Os de Balaguer as Intangible Heritage of Humanity. 

In this town of Terres de Lleida, they have preserved this tradition and, more importantly, they have made an effort to pass down the skill to young people. The residents of Os de Balaguer take pride in this figure, as seen by activities like the annual gathering of bell ringers. With more than 35 editions held, it is one of the most important bell ringing events in all of Europe. 

This declaration is a recognition of the efforts of all those who have managed to protect the ringing of the bells over time.

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